Summary : The Essential Advantage - Paul Leinwand and Cesare Mainardi
BusinessNews Publishing
This work offers a summary of the book "THE ESSENTIAL ADVANTAGE: How to Win With a Capabilities-Driven Strategy" by Paul Leinwand and Cesare Mainardi.Everyone in business tries to earn and then sustain an essential advantage - to be doing things their competitors can't match. The companies which succeed in doing this over the long haul are always "coherent": they focus on products and services which draw on their capabilities; they continually and deliberately reinvest in deepening those capabilities so their competitors never catch up; and they're very resolute and clear-minded about the game they have chosen to play and their resulting market positioning.Accordingly, to get ahead and stay ahead, Leinwand and Mainardi advise businesspeople to work on being 100% coherent: that means they should pick an approach to the marketplace which suits their unique capabilities and which competitors can't match; they should define the three to six capabilities which will drive their business and become world-class in those specific areas; and finally they should create a product and service portfolio which harnesses those capabilities so they can earn superior returns.The Essential Advantage is a good read for businesspeople seeking to bring their company ahead of the competition.