Summary : Mobilizing Minds - Lowell Bryan and Claudia Joyce
BusinessNews Publishing
This work offers a summary of the book "MOBILIZING MINDS: Creating Wealth From Talent in the 21st Century Organization" by Lowell Bryan and Claudia Joyce.Lowell Bryan is a director and senior partner at McKinsey & Company. He has more than 30 years experience writing and speaking about strategy, organization and financial services. Claudia Joyce is a principal at McKinsey & Company and serves as a core member of the Financial Services and Strategy Practices.According to Bryan and Joyce, your existing workforce is the key to growing your business - not your technology, your systems or any of your other assets. To generate some real growth, find new and better ways to tap the underutilized talents, know-how and skills of your people. The central theme of your corporate strategy should be to redesign your organization so you can better mobilize the mind power of the people who already work for your organization. Dissolve all the barriers which have traditionally stopped this from happening and you will unleash some vast sources of new wealth.In Mobilizing Minds, Bryan and Joyce explains how to design an organization that can better capture the commercial opportunities of the 21st century. This well-researched book will give you key solutions to structure your organization.