The book is Christian, historical fiction & 12 chapters in length. It contains:** a forward to parents** appendices with extensive chapter vocabulary lists** appendices with lessons for readers** Introductions for both children & parents are as follows:Children: Would you like to surprise your teacher and parents with all the big words you arelearning to read? Well, hop aboard Calicos feet and take a trip back in time to meet Jesus! Grab yourimagination, and jump inside these word-paintings! Experience the loyal friendships and adventures that Calico and his buddies have intheir exciting journey. Come with Calico, and discover how a loving God can make amessenger out of a tiny creature. Meet funny friends in their nature habitats. Some of them even become a secretaudience to miracles! What are you waiting for? Calico is aflutter to tell you his wonderful story!Parents: This story has been designed to enhance a childs faith in their friendly Savior, andinterest them in the God of Creation. Advanced vocabulary is integrated throughout the text. Its purpose is to increasereading development, use words to build pictures in the imagination, & provide detailedconcentration upon the storys events. Educationalappendices assist teachers, librarians, and homeschoolers in developinganalytical and creative thinking levels. Combining spiritual development with academicadvancement are overall goals which the author has endeavored to achieve.