
The Influencer's Edge: Unleashing Success with Runway Influence

Safin Ahmed Sohan / FH Faruk / X Rozan Ahamed

The Influencer's Edge: Unleashing Success with Runway Influence

Safin Ahmed Sohan / FH Faruk / X Rozan Ahamed

 The Influencer's Edge: Unleashing Success with Runway Influence  The Book Written by Musa Muhammed Olayinka  Welcome to "The Influencer's Edge: Unleashing Success with...


Samy, der sanfte Wind

Jenny Göhler

Samy, der sanfte Wind

Jenny Göhler

Samy ist ein besonders sanfter, eher kleiner Wind. Im Vergleich zu anderen Windkindern weht er in leisen Windtönen umher. Er schafft es einfach nicht große kräftige Stürme heraus zu pusten. Tr...


The Power of Risk: Embracing Uncertainty on the Entrepreneurial Journey

Guy Leon Sheetrit

The Power of Risk: Embracing Uncertainty on the Entrepreneurial Journey

Guy Leon Sheetrit

The Power of Risk: Embracing Uncertainty on the Entrepreneurial Journey  The Book Written by Ernest Sturm and Musa Muhammed OlayinkaOne of the most enticing aspects of being an entrepreneur is...


Weltgeschichte(n) - Die letzte Pharaonin: Kleopatra

Dominic Sandbrook

Dig. Wass.

Weltgeschichte(n) - Die letzte Pharaonin: Kleopatra

Dominic Sandbrook

<b>Weltgeschichte hautnah: Die sagenumwobene ägyptische Herrscherin Kleopatra</b><br /><br />Im antiken Reich der Pyramiden, Tempel und Pharaonen ist die junge Kleopatra f...

Dig. Wass.

Boom Boom

Jude Idada

Dig. Wass.

Boom Boom

Jude Idada

Osaik is an eight-year-old boy. He is charming and has an unusual ability to hear things no one else hears. But his world is thrown into disarray when a debilitating disease takes his mother from ...

Dig. Wass.

Let's Know Islam

Sabbir Hosen Talukder / Joherul Islam

Let's Know Islam

Sabbir Hosen Talukder / Joherul Islam

Little friends, hopefully better. I&apos;m fine too, Alhamdulillah. We are Muslims.  We were born into a Muslim family.  That is why it is important for us to know different aspects of Isla...



Phil Ephebos


Phil Ephebos

Zwei Jugendliche beginnen sich selbst, die geltenden Sitten und Gesellschaftsstrukturen auf neue und irritierende Weise zu erfahren und entscheiden, alles aus den Angeln zu heben, um den tieferen...


Nur ein paar Zeilen

Francis Madrid

Nur ein paar Zeilen

Francis Madrid

Ohne Dich!  Du bist da. Weine nicht.  Ein Tag im Herbst. Die Zeit. Was ist Leben? Ein modernes Märchen. Ein mini Krimi. Einschlafgeschichten für Kleinkinder. Ein bisschen Horror, bitte. Besch...


India's Evergreen Horizon: A Tale of Enduring Growth

Akshay Sharma

India's Evergreen Horizon: A Tale of Enduring Growth

Akshay Sharma

Title: India&apos;s Evergreen Horizon: A Tale of Enduring Growth 1st Edition Author: Akshay Sharma India&apos;s Evergreen Horizon: A Tale of Enduring Growth 1st Edition By Akshay Sharma De...


Le cou(p) bas

Tom Carlo

Dig. Wass.

Le cou(p) bas

Tom Carlo

Ce livre s'adresse aux jeunes lecteurs.Le cou(p) bas aborde le harcèlement scolaire afin que les plus jeunes puissent prendre conscience de la gravité de ce fléau.Gigi, une jeune girafe, a ...

Dig. Wass.


Azul Ramos

Dig. Wass.


Azul Ramos

No sé decir: perdí a mi hermano. Aunque sea real mi recuerdo sobre su ubicación exacta: a las afueras de Acapulco, un lugar angosto, agua que se evapora en carretera. En Cuerpo, Azul Ramos cons...

Dig. Wass.

Nadie es eterno en la encrucijada de la violencia

Varios Autores


Nadie es eterno en la encrucijada de la violencia

Varios Autores

Nadie es eterno es una novela densa que aborda uno de los problemas fundamentales de nuestra sociedad colombiana y, en alguna medida, latinoamericana de las últimas décadas. En este texto de est...


Las aventuras del Equipo Ciber 2

Cristina Serret / Yaiza Rubio

Dig. Wass.

Las aventuras del Equipo Ciber 2

Cristina Serret / Yaiza Rubio

Yaiza Rubio es la profesora de ciberseguridad de la escuela Tramontana, donde estudian Sara, Álex, Diego y María. En esta segunda entrega, los cuatro amigos se enfrentarán a nuevos retos y ries...

Dig. Wass.

Les aventures de l'Equip Ciber 2

Cristina Serret / Yaiza Rubio

Dig. Wass.

Les aventures de l'Equip Ciber 2

Cristina Serret / Yaiza Rubio

Yaiza Rubio és professora de ciberseguretat de l&apos;escola Tramuntana, on estudien la Sara, l&apos;Àlex, en Diego i la Maria. En aquesta segona entrega, els quatre amics s&apos;enf...

Dig. Wass.

Animales divinos

José Juan Picos


Animales divinos

José Juan Picos

Pegaso, el caballo alado; el perro Argos, fiel amigo de Ulises; el asno de Hefesto o los leones de la Cibeles son algunos de los protagonistas de este divertido relato sobre los animales que acomp...


Heartthrobs: A History of Women and Desire

Carol Dyhouse

Dig. Wass.

Heartthrobs: A History of Women and Desire

Carol Dyhouse

What kind of men make women's hearts beat faster? What can mass hysteria about sex symbols of different eras tell about women themselves and about changes in society? Historian Carol Dyhouse t...

Dig. Wass.

Monkeyluv: And Other Essays on Our Lives as Animals

Robert M.

Dig. Wass.

Monkeyluv: And Other Essays on Our Lives as Animals

Robert M.

In the book "Who are we?" included the best articles of the famous scientist and popularizer of science Robert Sapolsky about man in all his amazing diversity. Three of its sections are de...

Dig. Wass.

The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature

Steven Pinker

Dig. Wass.

The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature

Steven Pinker

For several centuries, many intellectuals have tried to establish the principles of justice, based on the belief that a person is born with a "blank slate", on which parents and society wr...

Dig. Wass.

Apologiya teatra

Vladimir Mirzoev

Dig. Wass.

Apologiya teatra

Vladimir Mirzoev

Life in the theater and theater in life and politics, the attitude of the state to art, myth and mythology in culture and everyday life, the confrontation between the archaic past and the present ...

Dig. Wass.

100 Deadly Skills The SEAL Operative's Survival Guide

Clinton Emerson

Dig. Wass.

100 Deadly Skills The SEAL Operative's Survival Guide

Clinton Emerson

The threat of terrorism, the growth of crime, shooting in the streets - our world is not getting safer ... How to protect yourself, notice the danger in time and avoid it? A master class in surviv...

Dig. Wass.

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